The Melancholy Death of the Golden Oyster Boys

This is a tale of the golden oyster boys.

It starts off, like these stories do, filled with hope and ambition.

Golden oyster spawn

Look at all the baby mushrooms!

Golden oyster failures

Except, they all died. They suffocated. Drowned in their own CO₂.

Then I chopped them into pieces...

Golden oyster aborts

... right before I ate them.

Sauteed aborts

They were delicious.

Golden oyster progress

And soon, new ones took their place. Ready to be cared for properly this time.

Without mistakes.

With love, in the form of fresh air and cool mist.

Golden oyster close-up

They're all grown up!

Golden oyster harvest

They were delicious, too.

The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories by Tim Burton ... a must-read.

